

2022/4/10 10:58:31 浏览次数:2817 返回

1. 我绝不嫁给你。

I will never marry you (初二水平)
You are the last man I want to marry.(定语从句)
Never will I marry you.(倒装句)

It is beyond dispute that I will marry you.(主语从句)
I will not marry you unless the sun rises in the west.(状语从句)
If you were the last man in the world, I would go to temple.

If you married me, I would jump into the well. (虚拟语气)


2. 自行车很重要


Bicycles are important.
Humans cannot live without bicycles.
be+ adj = be of +n

bicycles are of great importance to us.

Bicycles play an important part/role in our daily life.


It is the bicycle that plays an important part/role in our daily life.

Life would be inconvenient if bicycles didn’t exist.


3. 句子扩写:

1.I love Phil .

2.Smile makes people love you.

3.Pollution keeps exceedingly serious .

1. I love Phil .
I, a university student from Nanjing, love Phil who is the most graceful and elegant English teacher I have ever seen.

2. Smile makes people love you.
Smile, the best means for communicating, makes people who may look serious and distant love you at the first sight.


3. Pollution keeps exceedingly serious .
Pollution, a global issue which threatens almost everyone, keeps exceedingly serious with the rapid urbanization.


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乘车路线: 江宁乘地铁到珠江路下车转6路到广州路下。 仙林方向:坐D1到虹桥转78路到宁海路下,或者坐70到太平门转20路到南阴阳营下。
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